EDITOR’S NOTE A few things: How it all comes together LETTERS Don’t like it, don’t go PEOPLE ON THE MOVE Gavan Watson will step into a new role as director of Memorial University’s Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, starting Nov. 5, and other appointments. CAMPUS Memorial’s new Signal Hill Campus taps into local […]
Working with international colleagues can provide new insights and even a career boost, but it takes patience and planning.
For lasting transformation to occur, these changes need to be embedded in our administrative and educational structures.
New conference centre, residence and business park in St. John’s focuses on tech and social innovation.
The researcher’s curiosity about comics culture all started in childhood.
In all the strategizing, expanding and refining of services on offer to students who struggle with anxiety, depression or any number of other serious mental illnesses, faculty are asking, where do we fit?
Fourteen students were admitted to the medical school through the Black Student Application Program this year.
It’s up to all of us, with a bit of mutual understanding, to stem the tide of increasing regulation at Canada’s universities.
An array of new programs gives students an opportunity to tackle issues of importance to their local communities.
With the Adopt-A-Soldier project, Wendy Robicheau is giving life to the names on Acadia’s war memorials.
The growing field of family economics applies the basic economic concepts to the family unit, allowing researchers to explore some fundamental policy issues.
From state-of-the-art research trucks to drones and satellites, Flux Lab uses an arsenal of tools in its quest to measure greenhouse gas emissions across Canada.
EDITOR’S NOTE Crisis? What crisis?: The theatrics of campus free speech LETTERS A disservice to students PEOPLE ON THE MOVE Ryerson University has appointed David Cramb dean of the faculty of science, effective Oct. 15, and other appointments. CAMPUS Why this librarian is unearthing the lives of war dead With more than 150,000 kilometres already […]
Hansard, a massive document of every word spoken in Canada’s parliamentary debates, is now online.
Clashes over the limits of free speech continue to divide students and faculty.
The federal government wants to bring a pilot version of the U.K. charter to Canada to promote equity and inclusion in research.
Disruption does not occur without dissonance. The more disruptive the idea, the higher the likelihood of significant disturbance.
The Science Meets Parliament event will take place on Parliament Hill to coincide with annual science policy conference in Ottawa.
We asked our readers: what is the one teaching tip, tool or technique you can’t live without?
A new taskforce report by the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies says it’s time to rethink the PhD.