Listen to an audio interview about graduate earnings.
Instant feedback is extremely valuable to a teacher, especially in larger classes. Classroom response systems or clickers help make this possible.
Interview excerpts from our feature article “Examining the roots of the perennial gender gap in the STEM disciplines”.
MOOCs. They have the potential to revolutionize higher education – but will they?
From netbooks to iFrames and GIFs, the world of tech is getting a little nostalgic – but with a twist.
What do Twitter, Tumblr and citations have in common?
Are virtual worlds a dying technology or do they have a bright future in postsecondary education?
Aliases aren’t just for the infamous. Bibilotech podcast host Rochelle Mazar offers advice on separating the personal and the professional online.
How could the digital world shape course readings and course reserves?
Rochelle Mazar offers some advice on designing assigments that make it harder to plagiarize.
Does the very mention of Wikipedia make you cringe?
Are you worried that audio and video assignments aren’t worth the hassle? It just might be a lot simpler than you think.
Dump that heavy old laptop and treat yourself to one of the many new hardware devices now on the market.
Why aren’t you doing more with your course website?
Just because they were born when computers were in every household, does not make Millenials all-knowing about the Internet or the technology that surrounds it.
Take your life back from e-mail, Google Reader and Twitter!
Rochelle knows how to make your academic life easier. She tells you which software is worth investing in.
Rochelle thinks really far ahead. What will universities be like in 500 years?
Rochelle explains the difference between Google searching and academic browsing – and why the two should not be confused.
Rochelle explores the current state of university courseware and suggests how an ideal system should work.