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The Black Hole

Three scientists share their thoughts on how the scientific community can help combat racism in all its forms.

Scientists’ role in this

Jonathan Thon
“Hear it.  This anger that’s playing out, it isn’t new.”

- Jayson Gay, The Wall Street Journal

We are all accountable for the inequalities in our system and longstanding a...
Career Advice
BY DAMIEN WILPITZ | June 08 2016
Voici des conseils pour vous aider à partir du bon pied et à obtenir les ressources dont vous avez besoin pour exercer vos activités scientifiques. Ces ressources se chiffrent à un montant précis que je peux vous aider à définir. Attention : Je ne peux ni citer de noms ni fournir de rensei...
The Black Hole
BY JONATHAN THON | September 16 2014
We are very pleased this week to introduce a guest post from Damien Wilpitz, an experienced laboratory research manager at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. Damien is also the founder and manager of Experimental Designs Consulting<...
The Black Hole
BY JONATHAN THON | July 13 2018

Feedback from multiple sources ensures that faculty are not disillusioning themselves with misguided opinions on their strengths and weaknesses.

Damien Wilpitz joins me this week for a co-written article on the practice of 360-degree and reverse reviews, and their noticeable absence from academic labs. Continue reading is a laboratory research manager at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, and...
The Black Hole
BY DAVID KENT | October 01 2014
Our summer posts had a theme it seems - something we didn't plan, but which has resulted in a small series of posts on misplaced priorities in academic research. From my post on
The Black Hole
BY JONATHAN THON | May 02 2016

In this guest post, Damien Wilpitz details how to negotiate a start-up package that reflects your needs.

There are, of course, nuances to formulating a budget, and it’s highly advisable to consult with someone who is experienced and understands the politics of the department you are applying to before committing. To help, Jonathan Thon has asked Damien Wilpitz of Experimental Design Consulting to...
The Black Hole
BY JONATHAN THON | May 19 2016
There are, of course, nuances to formulating a budget, and it’s highly advisable to consult with someone who is experienced and understands the politics of the department you are applying to before committing. To help, I’ve asked my friend Damien Wilpitz of Experimental Design Consulting to ...
The Black Hole
BY JONATHAN THON | June 07 2016
There are, of course, nuances to formulating a budget, and it’s highly advisable to consult with someone who is experienced and understands the politics of the department you are applying to before committing. To help, I’ve asked my friend Damien Wilpitz of Experimental Design Consulting to ...
The Black Hole
BY JONATHAN THON | February 18 2015

Mentors, in particular, can help you to expand your contact base to the larger world around you.

To succeed outside the narrow career trajectory of “university professor,” early career scientists must be exposed to the job market earlier. So how do we help new scientist-entrepreneurs succeed? My Continue reading dealt with exposure to other career opportunities and...
The Black Hole
BY JONATHAN THON | October 28 2019

This new series will discuss/debate leading life science topics with featured guests.

We’re starting something new. We address a lot of very important topics in scientific entrepreneurship, career development and academia at The Black Hole. All of our posts follow a very similar formula: calling attention to a common, but rarely talked-about problem, a defined discussion of misa...