The journey back from pandemic-enforced online learning will be a steep learning curve for everyone.
Une analyse révèle que les critères budgétaires ne suffisent pas à déterminer ce qui assure le bon fonctionnement d’une revue savante.
The policy encourages scholars to reduce the climate footprint associated with their research activities.
Il est temps de repenser notre conception de l’université et de se demander comment l’éducation peut demeurer pertinente à une époque de transition rapide.
- Pitching solutions: Transition awards and Targeted Hiring
- The Problem: A lack of faculty positions at top-tier Canadian Universities and Research Institutes
- Making the Case for Increased Federal Support of Biomedical Research
Starting early and being ruthless about time management are just a few pieces of advice I wish I had been given at the start of this process.
Use this time to think about your career trajectory and what aspects of your work are important to you.
A frank discussion about open access publishing, Dr. Eve’s own Open Library for the Humanities, and what future he sees for the academic publishing industry.
Understanding your cultural differences with international students is the key to fostering a productive and rewarding supervisory relationship
University of Windsor’s Janice Drakich breaks down the faculty recruitment process in Canada and offers advice to academics job searching in a recession
What is faculty recruitment all about?
At the end of the 1990s, research predicted a significant increase in the number of faculty to be hired over the next decade or two. This prediction alerted universities to prepare for the increased recruitment of faculty and their entry into the univ...Deciding if a master’s or PhD is the right next step for you can be a difficult one. We asked for some advice.
Il peut être difficile de déterminer si la maîtrise ou le doctorat est la bonne voie à suivre. Voici quelques conseils.
A study of tenure and tenure-track faculty in history and English departments.
A York University professor has coined the term “redirection” to reflect the new, emerging stage of one’s career that occurs after traditional retirement.