J’ai dû faire preuve de résilience et apprendre à tirer le meilleur parti possible d’une situation complètement folle.
Jennifer Polk chats with Kelly J. Baker about juggling her writing career with family life.
Hillary Hutchinson earned a MA in social anthropology and a MEd in higher education administration from the University of Texas at Austin. She’s now a career coach specializing in academic writing and the transition out of academia.
Since their last Q&As, both Mélanie’s and Kyla’s portfolios have grown, giving them the opportunity to work with a variety of departments.
Self-described as intellectually restless, Daniel has pivoted his career to focus on innovation policy.
You do not have to accept the labour conditions that have become the norm in universities, even if you are passionate about research and teaching.
Some helpful resources and tools for professors who have to quickly move their courses online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ces programmes assurent une mise à niveau des titres universitaires et une familiarisation avec les modalités d’exercice au Canada.
Program targets first-generation students.
“It’s difficult to know what you’re truly passionate about until you try it.”