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From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | June 29 2020

Three things that surprise Dragos Popa about working for the federal government? The complexity of the work, the pace, and the workload.

Dragos Popa earned his PhD from Carleton University in political science. He is now a seasoned leader within the Government of Canada, with broad experience in public policy, program development, and results-based management. For a decade (2004-2014), he taught graduate and post-graduate courses...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | September 04 2020

Her biggest piece of advice? You absolutely must take the lead for yourself.

Sunny Chan earned her PhD in English literary studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is currently a co-op program specialist at Ryerson University's Career and Co-op Centre, and also works as a creative writing instructor, artist, and freelance academic editor. You can contact her...
Graduate Matters

Here are seven things we wish we had known while preparing for the transition.

Becoming a parent is one of life’s most transformative experiences. When it occurs during graduate school, it brings particular considerations – especially as an international student. Articles calling for

Si les professeurs demeurent en communication constante avec les étudiants, la méthode d’enseignement est moins importante que le contenu, selon un expert.

Compte tenu des ordonnances de l’état d’urgence émises dans la plupart des provinces et des nombreuses villes en quasi-confinement, les universités canadiennes ont pour ainsi dire fermé leurs portes. Débute donc une expérience pédagogique sans précédent tandis que les professeurs transf...
Career Advice
BY MICHAEL FREEMAN | September 07 2017

« Il est difficile de se découvrir une passion pour une profession sans en faire l’expérience. »

Ce que les employeurs cherchent avant tout, c’est la confiance. Ils souhaitent voir cette confiance chez les gens qu’ils embauchent et avoir confiance en eux; savoir qu’ils accompliront bien le travail. Toutefois, pour les étudiants aux cycles supérieurs en sciences de la vie qui aspirent à...
Career Advice
BY JENNIFER POLK | August 29 2019

« Une fois diplômée, j’ai utilisé tous les outils de recherche d’emploi et de développement professionnel gratuits ou pas chers que j’ai pu trouver. »

Sarah Culpeper est titulaire d’un doctorat de l’Université de Virginie en études musicales critiques et comparatives. Elle est actuellement généraliste au sein des Services organisationnels des ressources humaines de la Bibliothèque du Parlement, à Ottawa. Vous pouvez échanger avec e...
Career Advice
BY SUSAN L. JOUDREY & MABEL HO | September 01 2020

A conscious willingness to be vulnerable can relieve some anxiety and establish a sense of community.

For months, educational developers, instructional designers, and other educational specialists have supported university educators with the transition from in-person to online teaching. Many of them have encouraged asynchronous teaching, when possible, to ensure accessibility and flexibility for...
Career Advice

Quitting my postdoc position has taken me on an incredibly rewarding global adventure requiring flexibility and adaptation.

I remember the day I realized I had reached my limit with bench work. I was in the lab performing the same molecular biology techniques that had become routine, when suddenly it hit me: I needed something different, something that would challenge me in a strategic way and offer more flexibility. It ...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | September 19 2013
Jared Wesley earned his PhD in political science from the Continue reading. He’s now director of federal-provincial relations for the government of Alberta
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | February 25 2014
Maureen McCarthy earned her PhD in English in 2013 from Emory University in Atlanta, GA. She is now the assistant director of advancement and best practices at the Council of Graduate Schools. Find her on Twitter Continue reading. What di...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | June 04 2014
Patrick Vitalone earned his MA in modern European history from the University of York. He is a start-up technology professional from Boston currently living in San Francisco. Patrick focuses on company growth on the U.S. East Coast, and in Europe and the Middle East. He mainly writes on...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | June 11 2014
Carolyn Harris earned her PhD in history from Queen’s University in 2012. She is now an instructor in history at the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, a freelance history writer, and royal commentator. Read her writing and interviews online at
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | August 06 2014
Bruce Harpham earned his MA in history from Western University, as well as a master's of information studies from the University of Toronto. He's currently a senior financial analyst at the Bank of Montreal. Find him online at Project...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | August 21 2014
Andrew Miller earned a PhD in history from Johns Hopkins University in 2005. He currently manages a transit policy office for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.  What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? Unsurprisingly, I hoped for ...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | January 27 2015

How he went from a PhD in neuroscience to working with autistic elementary school children.

Michael Ryan Hunsaker earned his PhD in 2012 from University of California, Davis in neuroscience. His research was to develop behavioral methods to evaluate neurodevelopmental disease in rodent models as well as to evaluate neuropathological consequences of genetic disease. He's now a 2nd-5th g...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | April 01 2015
Viviane Callier earned her PhD in biology from Duke University. She's currently a science writer at the Continue reading and freelances on the side. Find her online Continue reading and follow her on Twitter
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | April 08 2015
Raj Dhiman completed his PhD in bio-organic chemistry at the University of Toronto. He is currently the sales training manager for Vicinity, a division of Rogers Communications that focuses on customer loyalty and marketing solutions for small businesses. Connect with him on
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | June 22 2015
Tom Westerman earned his PhD in history from the University of Connecticut in 2014. He is now an upper school history teacher at Continue reading in Charleston, SC. He teaches a variety of courses in World History and Unit...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | August 25 2015
Sara Langworthy earned her PhD in developmental psychology from the University of Minnesota. She's currently an educator at University of Minnesota Extension’s Children, Youth and Family Consortium and an organizational consultant and co-founder of The Exchange Loop organizational consulting f...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | March 21 2016
Jennifer De Mello earned her PhD in Chemistry from the University of Georgia (USA). She's currently a senior business analyst at Manheim Wholesale Auto Auctions. You can find her on Continue reading.