“As an anthropologist, I would never have access to the hospital in such ways.”
Ms. Steel explains that the days of staying at one company for an entire career are gone. So accept it, take risks, always learn, and see where it leads.
Moving from a PhD in religious studies to working at a teaching and learning centre has sparked an interest in communications and marketing for Dr. Muravchick.
“I’m surprised, in a good way, by the extent to which some of my personal traits, which were not of particular help to me in academia, are very helpful to me at my current job,” says Sarah.
“Throughout grad school, I always thought about how I could leverage my research, writing, analytical, and communication skills if an academic job never panned out.”
Voici sept choses que nous aurions aimé savoir pour mieux nous préparer.
Les expériences d’apprentissage en milieu de travail gagnent en popularité à travers le pays.
As long as faculty are consistently communicating with students, the delivery method isn’t as important as the content, says one expert.