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From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | April 22 2016
Adam Bishop earned his PhD in Medieval Studies from the University of Toronto in 2011. He's currently a translator, proofreader, editor, and researcher. Find him on Twitter Continue reading. What did you h...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | July 11 2016
Adam Sanford works as an academic coach, writer, and adjunct instructor. He earned his PhD ...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | October 12 2016
Anne Trubek earned her PhD in English from Temple University. She was formerly as...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | November 24 2016
Maura Elizabeth Cunningham earned her PhD in modern Chinese history from the University of California, Irvine in 2014. She's currently social media manager at the Association for Asian Studies in Ann Arbor, MI. Find her online at Continue reading and...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | December 12 2016
Lino Coria earned his PhD in electrical engineering from the University of British Columbia. He's currently a computer vision engineer at Wiivv Wearables and partner at Scribble Consulting. Find him online Continue reading and follow him on Twitter
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | February 23 2017

“As an anthropologist, I would never have access to the hospital in such ways.”

Stacy Lockerbie earned her PhD in anthropology from McMaster University in 2014. She is currently a research associate in the department of family medicine at the University of Calgary. Find her Continue reading at and follow her on Twitter
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | August 25 2017

Ms. Steel explains that the days of staying at one company for an entire career are gone. So accept it, take risks, always learn, and see where it leads.

Heather Steel (MA, history) contributed to the Transition Q & A series in March 2013. Read her interview Continue reading. She was then a researcher at the Institute of Canadian Citizenship. Heather is now a research adminis...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | August 24 2018

Moving from a PhD in religious studies to working at a teaching and learning centre has sparked an interest in communications and marketing for Dr. Muravchick.

Rose earned her PhD at the University of Pennsylvania in religious studies in 2014. She is currently the assistant director of the Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning at the University of Delaware. Follow her on Twitter Continue reading. ...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | August 09 2019

“I’m surprised, in a good way, by the extent to which some of my personal traits, which were not of particular help to me in academia, are very helpful to me at my current job,” says Sarah.

Sarah Culpeper earned her PhD at the University of Virginia in critical and comparative studies in music. She's now an HR generalist, HR organizational services, at the Library of Parliament in Ottawa. Connect with her on Continue reading. ...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | November 15 2019
Sarah Lockyer, an Acadian from New Brunswick, earned her PhD in bioarchaeology at Bournemouth University in the U.K. She is now the Canadian Armed Forces's casualty identification coordinator and forensic anthropologist. She can be found on Twitter @s_lock...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | December 13 2019

“Throughout grad school, I always thought about how I could leverage my research, writing, analytical, and communication skills if an academic job never panned out.”

Mike Commito earned his PhD in history from McMaster University. He's now the director of applied research and innovation at Cambrian College in Sudbury, Ontario. Mike is also the author of Hockey 365: Daily Stories from the Ice and a writer for the LA Kings. Follow him on Twitter
Graduate Matters

Voici sept choses que nous aurions aimé savoir pour mieux nous préparer.

Devenir parent, c’est l’une des expériences les plus transformatrices qui soient. Concilier la parentalité et les études aux cycles supérieurs ajoute une couche de complexité – surtout pour les étudiant.e.s provenant de l’étranger. De précédents textes réclamant
BY MOIRA MACDONALD | March 07 2018

Les expériences d’apprentissage en milieu de travail gagnent en popularité à travers le pays.

Vanessa Paulin-Savoie a décidé au secondaire qu’elle ne voulait pas suivre les traces de ses parents comptables. Passionnée de lecture et d’écriture et douée en français, elle a cru que le baccalauréat en traduction de l’Université de Moncton lui conviendrait. Ses parents, eux, n’...
The Black Hole
BY JONATHAN THON | February 16 2012
Read Jonathan's earlier related entries to catch up on the series: Making the Case for Increased Federal Support of Biomedical Research and The Problem: A lack of faculty positions at top-tier Canadian Universities and Research Institutes One approach, in which Canada is laggi...
The Black Hole
BY DAVID KENT | May 31 2012
Hello readers! If you didn't catch it already, we have relocated the blog and this month and have posted our first set of articles:
  1. Reality TV invading universit...
Career Advice
BY JENNIFER POLK | June 23 2016
Titulaire d’un doctorat en études médiévales de l’Université de Toronto obtenu en 2011, Adam Bishop est réviseur et chercheur et il fait de la traduction. Vous le trouverez sur Twitter Continue reading. Qu’espériez-...

As long as faculty are consistently communicating with students, the delivery method isn’t as important as the content, says one expert.

With most of the country now under provincial state-of-emergency orders, and many cities on quasi-lockdowns, Canada’s universities have essentially shut down. Now begins an unprecedented educational experiment as faculty attempt to transition their courses en masse to online learning. ...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | September 23 2015
When I finished my PhD, my dissertation turned into a book manuscript. I worked on it for several months, on and off, even writing a book proposal that I aimed to send to academic publishers. My intention back then was to publish a book based largely on my dissertation. The closest I came was to sen...