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August-Sept 2008

BY ELEANOR S. ABAYA | August 05 2008

As a first-generation immigrant living in Toronto from the mid-1970s to 2002, I had never heard of Lakehead University. In fact, I first heard of Lakehead University when I applied for the position of director of communications in November 2002. Once hired, I was excited when my proposal to launch an institutional visual identity program […]


U of Calgary and 80 volunteer instructors provide training they’ll need in South Sudan

BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | August 05 2008

We all know that the transition to university or college can be difficult for young adults. It’s often their first substantial time away from home and can be filled with much stress and anxiety. Stan Kutcher, a professor of medicine at Dalhousie University and holder of the Sun Life Financial Chair in Adolescent Mental Health, […]

BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | August 05 2008

Researcher uses earthquake data to investigate the planet’s interior

BY TIM LOUGHEED | August 05 2008

It might have looked like just another academic speaking gig for Sue Horton, complete with a nice trip to Denmark. But when the Wilfrid Laurier University economist proposed some solutions to child malnutrition, she quickly found herself vaulted into international prominence. That’s because the group she was addressing was the Copenhagen Consensus, a highly focused […]

BY NICK TAYLOR-VAISEY | August 05 2008

Some education groups oppose and others cautiously support legislation to modernize Canada’s copyright law

BY ANGELA PEREIRA | August 05 2008

Mount Allison University is partnering with Moncton’s Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to create an “animal house” residence in which live-in students will provide care for previously homeless dogs, cats and rabbits during the school year. David Rowland, Mount Allison’s dean of students, says the project will allow students to give their […]

BY PEGGY BERKOWITZ | August 05 2008

Late last year, the University of British Columbia adopted a statement of principles designed to encourage UBC research innovations to be made available at low cost to poor countries. In May, the statement had its first tangible success, with UBC licensing a a company to commercially develop a drug for the industrialized world, in exchange […]

BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | August 05 2008

Sooner or later, quality of teaching and research could suffer, says AUCC report.

BY DAVID HAYES | August 05 2008

Comparative literature is a small field that’s often misunderstood, even by neighbouring disciplines in the faculty of arts. That’s partly why it’s in crisis

BY DANIEL MCCABE | August 05 2008

They’re still a rare breed but the flock is growing. Should it be?

BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | August 05 2008

Fewer and fewer universities require students to master a second language. Some think that’s a shame