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November 2013

BY TARA SIEBARTH | October 11 2013
BY JANICE ALLEN | October 09 2013

Grad students should set our own goals.

BY ALAN MACEACHERN | October 09 2013

The middle stretch of my academic career.

BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | October 09 2013

A neighbourhood landmark gets a seond life on campus.

BY ROSANNA TAMBURRI | October 09 2013

Canadian university presidents also more likely to be turfed by their boards than in the past.

BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | October 09 2013

Specifically highlighting tattoos that honour deceased loved ones or past events.


Unconscious bias still plays a role in keeping women scientists from the top tier.

BY MARK WITTEN | October 09 2013

This is the story about a pig and a fish.

BY ROSANNA TAMBURRI | October 02 2013

Critics ask why they didn’t disclose their work before the Quebec case went to trial.

BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | September 25 2013

Pint-sized SnoBots take top robotics prize.

BY KAREN BIRCHARD | September 18 2013

Editors cite financial woes for leaving the student-run news cooperative founded in 1938.