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January 2018

BY NATALIE SAMSON | December 12 2017

The province has invested nearly $350,000 to draw students to northern British Columbia, a region that is suffering from dwindling student enrolment.

BY TARA SIEBARTH | December 07 2017

EDITOR’S NOTE The next big thing: In support of fundamental research LETTERS A word from a humanist PEOPLE ON THE MOVE Queen’s University has appointed Kanonhsyonne (Janice Hill) the inaugural director of Indigenous initiatives, an office created as a recommendation of the Queen’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission Task Force, and other appointments. CAMPUS Alex Colville’s […]

BY MICHAEL SMITH | December 06 2017

Academics, industry and government have joined together, setting the stage for Canada to become a research and development powerhouse in AI.

BY NATALIE SAMSON | December 06 2017

The contents of the painter’s workspace – from a trove of pens to customized furniture the artist built himself – offer clues to his creative process and discussion points for the future of Canadian art.

BY SAMIA MADWAR | December 05 2017

The site’s readership and content have expanded over the years, now reaching an average of 40,000 visits per month.

BY GREGORY GUEVARA | December 04 2017

They call their discovery “Steve.”

BY JESSICA RIDDELL | December 01 2017

A postdoctoral teaching fellowship could be part of a multi-pronged approach to combatting increasingly challenging working conditions.

BY ANDRE COSTOPOULOS | November 30 2017

We have an assessment system that is designed for our convenience as instructors and administrators, rather than for the learning needs of our students.

BY FRANCES BULA | November 28 2017

Blessed with large tracts of land, many universities are developing their surplus holdings to raise revenue.

BY SHARON ASCHAIEK | November 27 2017

Five universities and three community colleges hire a shared chief information security officer to help fend off attacks.

BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | November 20 2017

Dr. Nemer says she will be a champion for the understanding of science and its role in our everyday lives.


The report’s authors call for at least one-quarter of students within the next decade to have an international learning experience.