March 2018
Soapbox Science trains women working in STEM to engage the public about their research by taking it to the streets.
Op-ed articles help students to learn the important skills of engaging and persuading a reader.
EDITOR’S NOTE Paranormal activities: Is the truth out there? LETTERS Sex and supervisors PEOPLE ON THE MOVE Denise Campbell joined Ryerson University as executive director of community safety, effective Nov. 20, and other appointments. CAMPUS Job-seeking students get a free suit at the University of Regina KPU pilots competency-based admissions program Course lectures come to […]
Researchers from various disciplines are seeking not to debunk strange events, but rather to understand how people engage with them, and what this reveals about the human experience.
As academics, we grapple with failure all the time and in a myriad of ways.
Using publicly available information, the study has compiled employment data on 88 percent of the university’s PhD graduates from 2000 to 2015.
The University of Regina is giving free suits to job-seeking students.
The lectures, part of a special class about Viola Desmond, were streamed on Facebook Live.
Yes, there are some universities that have student gun clubs – and they’re not as controversial as you might think.
University consortium partners with Beijing to remove barriers for Canadians to study there.
Kwantlen Polytechnic University will accept six students next year based on portfolios instead of grades.
Over the years, academic freedom has been both recognized and constrained, based on the particular historical context.