In my opinion
By its actions, the country has shown its deep commitment to diversity, inclusivity and global citizenry.
The recently announced awards from the Trans-Atlantic Platform support projects across the disciplinary spectrum.
Shouting down controversial speakers and obstructing campus events are not new phenomena, and there are ways to handle it appropriately.
If developed and implemented with meaningful consultation, such policies can have both a symbolic and instrumental impact.
What calls to action will we take on? And, how can student affairs not only fulfill but exceed these commitments and calls?
COPE’s principal objective is “to educate and advance knowledge in methods of safeguarding the integrity of the scholarly record for the benefit of the public.”
In exchange for a company funding their doctoral program, grads would commit to four years’ employment afterward at that firm.
Patterned after the existing Quebec model, such a committee would be an essential bridge between the chief science advisor and student researchers.
Organizers are reviewing results of the pilot project and aim to launch the next phase this fall.
“While ‘truthiness’ suggests at least a semblance of truth, ‘post-truth’ declares its utter obsolescence.”
For a decade now, the ResearchImpact network, representing 12 Canadian universities, has been engaged in knowledge mobilization with measureable impacts.
They should be used to inform and encourage, not to penalize.
A university communications and marketing director tries to cut through the bafflegab.
“We see an opportunity to breathe new life and richer content into the growing number of incubators across campuses.”
The film’s authenticity owes a special nod to a McGill linguistics professor.
If the famous blacklist is to be replaced, it needs a rethink.
Newer tests and treatments are not always better and too much care can be bad for your health.
Why should stretched public dollars go to undeserved six-figure salaries for people who do not do their jobs?
The program would be modeled on our system of mortgage financing, with repayment periods of up to 25 years.
The search is now on for Canada’s chief science advisor.