The Black Hole
Three scientists share their thoughts on how the scientific community can help combat racism in all its forms.
The scientific community often relies on impromptu interactions to spur where the next set of experiments might go.
We must identify and resolve the gaps in our current scientific training, and revisit and refine the incentive structures we’ve created around our scientists.
A potentially interesting approach would be to consider substantially less standardization in the metrics that assess academic institutions.
Use this time to think about your career trajectory and what aspects of your work are important to you.
In light of the current pandemic, it’s worthwhile to consider the importance of both public and private investment in basic research programs and the growing role of science in our society.
We have an incredible opportunity to explore some new virtual conferencing solutions, and have team leaders be more present in their labs than usual.
Academic mentorship is a very important part of the education and training of scientists, but it comes with its own set of unique challenges.
Many revolutionary advances in science can trace their origins to chance encounters between scientists from different areas of study that spark new ideas and thinking.
It is very hard to practice science well, which is why it is so important to use the scientific method.
Career planning and mental health in academe were some of the most-read topics addressed on the Black Hole in the past year.
Many scientists are leaving academe, but why they leave and who remains will have substantial implications for how we train future scientists.
Any decision to do something new is based on our confidence in ourselves to succeed at it.
A recent academic article breaks down the hiring practices of different types of academic institutions, dispensing valuable career advice to those looking to get hired.
This new series will discuss/debate leading life science topics with featured guests.
A new Wellcome Trust sponsored survey will hopefully bring about some positive change in the field.
These meetings are an opportunity to connect with each other and humanize our professional interactions.
We need to encourage the writing of more specific protocols and lobby researchers to publish them on open websites.
Universities employ a very small fraction of all career scientists and serve mainly as a stepping stone to the next career phase rather than a final destination.
Starting early and being ruthless about time management are just a few pieces of advice I wish I had been given at the start of this process.