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BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | October 02 2013

Selon un nouveau sondage, les postdoctorants se voient comme des employés, non des étudiants ou des stagiaires.

Selon un nouveau sondage mené auprès de chercheurs postdoctoraux en poste au Canada, ceux-ci sont généralement satisfaits de l’environnement au sein duquel ils évoluent, mais déçus de la précarité de leur statut, de leur rémunération et de la formation dont ils bénéficient. Ce sondage...
BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | October 09 2013

Specifically highlighting tattoos that honour deceased loved ones or past events.

A York University sociology professor wants to build what she calls the world’s first comprehensive public archive of memorial tattoos – tattoos that honour a deceased loved one or commemorate a past event or life transition. The professor, Deborah Davidson, says memorial tattoos “both embody ...
BY SUZANNE BOWNESS | November 06 2013

Canadian and Kenyan universities join forces to provide formal training to volunteer teachers.

September’s brazen attack that killed at least 67 people at the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, brought the world’s attention to a region that, while troubled, does not typically claim daily headlines. Yet, fewer people know of the slower horror that has unfolded in this region over th...
BY SHARON ASCHAIEK | January 08 2014

A new LinkedIn tool may help higher education institutions more effectively share achievements, attract students and promote their brand – but it has yet to pass the test with Canadian universities.

LinkedIn University Pages enable prospective postsecondary students to explore universities worldwide in a one-stop shopping approach. Followers can stay current about an institution’s news and activities, ask questions about programs, see the career outcomes of alumni, and view profiles of notabl...
BY ROSANNA TAMBURRI | January 15 2014

Move by NSERC, SSHRC would align them with CIHR and funding councils in other countries.

Canada has moved a step closer towards making publicly funded academic research freely available to everyone, not just to those who have access to pricey journal subscriptions. Two of the major federal funding agencies, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Social Sciences...
BY NATALIE SAMSON | April 23 2014

Un vent de changement a soufflé sur l’organisme subventionnaire pendant son mandat.

Pendant son mandat à la présidence du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH), Chad Gaffield a su faire preuve de planification stratégique. D’aucuns seront surpris d’apprendre qu’il n’est pourtant pas du genre à planifier son parcours professionnel. « Je me laisse en quelque ...
BY NATALIE SAMSON | June 04 2014
Humanities and social sciences graduate programs, their faculty members and administrators, aren’t doing enough to prepare students for life post-PhD. That was one message to come out of this year’s Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, hosted at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ont...

L’objectif d’un artiste est de créer, et non de gérer.

La plupart des artistes sont travailleurs autonomes, et certains seront appelés un jour à diriger des troupes de danse ou de théâtre, qui sont de véritables PME. Pourtant, rares sont ceux qui possèdent les connaissances nécessaires pour réussir. Souhaitant remédier à cette situation, l’U...
BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | September 17 2014

Central attraction of Concordia-owned building is a chapel-turned-reading room.

Concordia University officially unveiled to the public on Sept. 15 the final renovations to its landmark Grey Nuns Building, the historic 19th-century convent it acquired in 2004. The renovated building inclu...
October 01 2014

Un diplômé de l’Université Concordia et ancien itinérant remporte le Prix d’excellence pour une thèse de doctorat de l’ACES.

Dire d’Eric Weissman qu’il a fait des études sur le terrain dans le cadre de son doctorat sur l’itinérance serait un euphémisme. Ce terrain, il le connaît intimement pour y avoir vécu et survécu. Son étude audacieuse sur les villages de toile, les bidonvilles et l’itinérance lui a...

Les grignotines, les ordinateurs, la literie et les permis de stationnement y sont souvent plus populaires que les livres.

À en croire les évaluations sur Yelp, la librairie agrandie et rénovée de l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique (UBC) a la cote. Ses visiteurs apprécient le design moderne, la luminosité, le café Starbucks et le dépanneur qui offre toute une gamme de grignotines santé. Mais qu’en est...
BY NATALIE SAMSON | August 05 2015

The philosophy prof shares how her rape influences her scholarly work on trauma and inspired an award-winning memoir.

Karyn L. Freedman is an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Guelph. In 2014, she published Continue reading (Freehand Books), a memoir that describes how, at 22, s...
BY DAVID HAYES | September 09 2015
BY JENNY GREEN | October 05 2015

New book describes how historians are using longitudinal analysis to shed light on our collective past.

In the last few decades, societal evolution has been thrown into a new light as hundreds of thousands of old records – from censuses to hand-written church records – have been digitized and aggregated. These massive databases allow researchers to track long-term change in populations through gen...
BY JENNY GREEN | October 05 2015

Un nouvel ouvrage décrit comment les historiens utilisent l’analyse longitudinale pour faire la lumière sur notre passé collectif.

Ces dernières décennies, la numérisation et le regroupement par milliers de vieux documents – recensements, registres paroissiaux manuscrits, etc. – permettent de voir l’évolution de nos sociétés sous un angle nouveau. Ces énormes bases de données permettent aux chercheurs d’étudier...
BY NATALIE SAMSON | November 17 2015

They and their colleagues are a well-educated bunch: 14 MPs hold PhDs while more than two-thirds have at least a bachelor’s degree.

The move from academic to politician can be a difficult transition – it’s a bit like being in a Three-Minute Thesis Competition over and over again, said Robert-Falcon Ouellette, the new Liberal Member of Parliament for Winnipeg Centre. Prior to his win, Dr. Ouellette, who holds a PhD in ant...
BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | February 01 2016

A Q&A with Christine Tausig Ford, who is retiring after more than three decades working on behalf of Canada’s universities.

Christine Tausig Ford, vice-president of Universities Canada (publisher of University Affai...
BY SHAWNA WAGMAN | February 23 2016

Outgoing Ottawa Citizen editor to lead McGill’s Institute for the Study of Canada.

“I really feel like I’ve won the lottery,” says Andrew Potter, who steps down as the editor of the Ottawa Citizen in February to become director of McGill University’s Institute for the Study of Canada. The post, which he begins Aug. 1, brings Dr. Potter back to his undergraduat...
BY NATALIE SAMSON | March 23 2016

Organizations praise funding boosts for campus infrastructure, research and financial aid, but more could be done for indigenous students, some say.

The university sector responded swiftly to the first budget released by the federal Liberals under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on March 22. The government pledged billions of dollars that will directly and indirectly benefit postsecondary education through funding for infrastructure, research and ...
BY NATALIE SAMSON | March 24 2016
La réaction du milieu universitaire au premier budget du gouvernement libéral de Justin Trudeau ne s’est pas fait attendre. En vertu de ce budget du 22 mars, des milliards de dollars profiteront directement et indirectement à l’éducation postsecondaire. Ils contribueront au financement de l...
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