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Showing results for imposter syndrome

BY DIANE PETERS | August 25 2020

As research ramps ups dramatically due to COVID-19, some researchers say we need to do better to keep the knowledge, and develop the downstream products, here.

Sachdev Sidhu believes the engineered proteins he’s helped to develop could treat COVID-19 by stopping the virus from replicating in an already infected person. The University of Toronto professor of molecular genetics and his collaborators are using proteins they’d created to block the enzymes ...
BY DIANE PETERS | August 25 2020

En ces temps de forte accélération des travaux de recherche due à la COVID-19, certains chercheurs estiment qu’il vaut mieux conserver notre savoir et le valoriser.

Sachdev Sidhu, professeur de génétique moléculaire à l’Université de Toronto, pense que les protéines ingéniérisées qu’il a contribué à mettre au point pourraient servir à traiter les personnes atteintes de la COVID-19 en bloquant chez elles la réplication du virus. Ses collaborate...
BY WENDY GLAUSER | March 31 2021

Améliorer les infrastructures de laboratoire et la capacité de formation à l’échelle du pays permettrait de préparer nos chercheurs en cas d’émergence d’une nouvelle maladie.

Le Canada doit grandement accroître ses investissements dans la recherche sur les vaccins pour empêcher qu’une autre maladie ravage nos vies, notre société et notre économie comme l’a fait la COVID-19, selon Volker Gerdts, directeur de l’organisme de recherche sur les vaccins et les mala...
Media Scan
CBC Continue reading Students at Mount Allison University in N.B. say they're being silenced when reporting sexual violence on campus and are pushi...
Media Scan
The Globe and Mail Continue reading Canadian researchers have established the most definitive link ...
In my opinion
BY CASSIE M HAZELL | February 24 2022

L’insécurité financière fait partie des facteurs qui jouent sur la santé mentale des jeunes chercheurs.

Les doctorants représentent l’avenir de la recherche, de l’innovation et de l’enseignement au sein des universités et d’autres établissements. Or il semblerait que cet avenir soit menacé : des Continue reading o...
In my opinion
BY NATHAN ANDREWS | March 07 2022

S’il est important de reconnaître l’excellence noire, il est aussi crucial de comprendre comment ce concept peut être exténuant, voire délétère pour les personnes noires.

Le milieu universitaire n’est pas de tout repos. C’est drainant d’y évoluer et pas toujours aussi gratifiant qu’on pourrait le croire. Pour les personnes racialisées, comme les Noirs, la pression est exacerbée par une règle non écrite voulant qu’elles doivent exceller, même là où l...
The Black Hole
BY BETH | November 01 2009
Science is integral to many, many of the decisions we make every day.  But where do people get the scientific information on which they base their decisions? The current H1N1 vaccine campaign is a good illustration of this.  It seems you can't turn on the television or read a news website (or e...
Career Advice
BY CATHERINE MAYBREY | September 16 2021

Quel que soit le poste convoité, votre curriculum vitæ doit résumer vos expériences professionnelles de façon claire et logique.

Comme une bande-annonce de film, un bon curriculum vitæ présente les acteurs principaux et l’intrigue, souligne les hauts et les bas et, surtout, donne envie d’en savoir plus. Un bon curriculum vitæ permet d’organiser – ou de réorganiser – les divers éléments de vos antécédent...
Responsibilities May Include
BY STEPHANIE WARNER | September 19 2018

Nous avons beaucoup plus à gagner en misant sur nos forces qu’en nous concentrant sur nos faiblesses.

Vers le milieu de mon doctorat, j’ai participé à un atelier où l’animateur nous a demandé de parler à notre voisin, pendant deux minutes, d’un de nos talents. L’exercice est resté gravé dans ma mémoire, non pas en raison de ce dont mon partenaire et moi avons parlé, mais plutôt de...
BY JOEY FITZPATRICK | February 07 2011

As director of animal care at Memorial University, Jennifer Keyte has the task of ensuring the ethical and humane treatment of her charges.

She rode horses as a young girl and her family owned the standard household pets. But Jennifer Keyte was never the type to volunteer untold hours at the local animal shelter. “I felt like a bit of an imposter in vet school,” the director of animal care at Memorial University admits. “So many o...
From the admin chair
BY SHEILA COTE-MEEK | August 27 2020

In order to disrupt ongoing gendered discrimination, it is critical that we expose it. This is not always easy.

“You really aren’t university material and shouldn’t think about going,” said one of my high school teachers to me. [Me: feeling like I wanted to slide down in my desk and disappear.] “You, you shouldn’t even be here at this meeting, you’ve nothing to contribute,” said a senior pr...
Career Advice
BY CAROLYN STEELE | February 11 2008

Sessional contracts can be ideal for catapulting into a tenure track position – if you use them strategically

In between comps and being offered a tenure track position, it's almost de rigeur to take on a few sessional contracts. Some academics are justifiably leery of getting caught on the contract treadmill, but for many, sessional positions provide an opportunity to get an extra edge in what is undeniabl...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | September 19 2013
Jared Wesley earned his PhD in political science from the Continue reading. He’s now director of federal-provincial relations for the government of Alberta
Adventures in Academe
BY JESSICA RIDDELL | April 06 2016

Disciplinary experts have a responsibility to engage in nuanced thinking about teaching and learning.

Recently, I had a conversation with a colleague that stopped me dead in my tracks. I was in the middle of extolling the virtues of SoTL (the scholarship of teaching and learning) as a research field that is multidisciplinary, accessible and increasingly relevant as we shape what higher education loo...
BY YVES LUSIGNAN | December 01 2008

Practical advice from the co-author of a new book

No matter what the topic, whether it’s new killer bacteria, fibre-optic networks or street-gang syndrome, academics are fielding more and more media calls seeking their expertise. Fundamentally that may be a good thing, but your average, detail-oriented researcher who is asked to summarize decades...
BY DANIEL DROLET | April 02 2012

Boosting the classroom occupancy rate is one way some universities are dealing with increasing student populations.

About a decade ago, before the double cohort of high school graduates hit Ontario’s postsecondary education system, Carleton University took a look around and wondered where they were going to put all the extra students. One potential solution stood out: boost the classroom occupancy rate. Back th...

Janie Redfern had taken a header from her attic window onto the flagstone path below.

“Is Janie dead?” Pete Redfern’s voice faltered. The policeman in the well-cut, grey pinstripe suit regarded Pete with flat, narrowed eyes. So much for the rumpled stereotype of fiction. His suit may have been snazzy, but the detective had a face like yesterday’s oatmeal and, clearly, a su...
BY MOIRA MACDONALD | January 09 2013

Sessional instructors are now a crucial part of the teaching equation at most Canadian universities. Some say it’s time to include them more fully in the life of the institution.

They are called sessional lecturers, part-time instructors, contract or contingent faculty and chargés de cours. Some are fresh out of graduate studies, others may have taught for years. Whatever their name, these non-tenured, non-permanent teaching staff share a common desire for better recognitio...
BY PATRICK J. MONAHAN | February 06 2013

York University modernized its system for choosing academic administrators based on research about what works.

Given the increasing competitive pressures and financial challenges facing universities across North America, most academic administrators recognize that strong and effective leadership is a key ingredient for institutional success. Yet, while there has been a proliferation of writing on the topic o...
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