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Careers Café

It’s your career!



Hi! Nice to meet you. I’m Jo VanEvery.

I’m looking forward to chatting with you over coffee about your career.

There is a lot of doom and gloom about academic careers out there. I’m not going to pretend that the academic job market (or any job market) is easy to navigate right now.

You are employable

I’ve met lots of academics who have been hired in the past couple of years at Canadian universities. Universities are hiring.

Being an academic isn’t the only thing you are qualified for. PhDs are working in all kinds of different jobs.

I’m going to help you take responsibility for you own career.

Stuff I’ll talk about:

  • job prospects and how to learn more about them
  • getting the PhD finished in a timely manner
  • gaining other experience
  • publishing: when and why to do it
  • building and using a network

If there is anything in particular you’d like us to address, let us know in the comments.

There is no easy path to get there.

Luckily you are smart. You have research skills. And there is lots of support available.

I don’t pretend to know everything so if you have relevant experiences to share, I look forward to your contributions to the discussion in the comments section.

Another coffee?

Jo VanEvery is a career coach who specializes in helping academics. Find her at
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