From PhD to Life
Jennifer Askey earned her PhD in Germanic languages and literature from Washington University in St. Louis and then worked as an assistant, then associate professor of German at Kansas State University, followed by stints as a special project coordinator at Wilfrid Laurier University, and associate professor in Humanities at McMaster University. She’s currently working part-time […]
Maura Elizabeth Cunningham earned her PhD in modern Chinese history from the University of California, Irvine in 2014. She’s currently social media manager at the Association for Asian Studies in Ann Arbor, MI. Find her online at and follow her on Twitter @mauracunningham. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you […]
I work for and largely by myself, and I love it. My graduate school experience was similar in important ways: I worked at home without much externally-imposed structure. It was challenging, and remains so. Even so, this is how I work best. But I do have support. I do have community. These days I have […]
This may seem like a facile question. A PhD is a doctorate (thanks Google), the terminal degree in many fields. It’s what else it is that’s hard to pin down and get people to agree on. Earlier this month I posed a similar question on Twitter, in the form of a poll. “My PhD is […]
Anne Trubek earned her PhD in English from Temple University. She was formerly associate professor at Oberlin College and is now self-employed as a writer, author, and publisher. Find her online at and follow her on Twitter @atrubek. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? A tenure-track […]
How is it that I am more than three years into this job and I still feel like a n00b? Well, I know why – there are so many good, reasonable reasons. But one of the answers is that my role is adaptable, because I am self-employed and it is entirely up to me to […]
Katie Vahey-Gaebler earned her PhD in higher education & student affairs leadership from the University of Northern Colorado. She’s currently an academic adviser at the University of Colorado Boulder, and is an independent consultant. Find her online at and follow her on Twitter @drkatieGSA. What did you hope for in terms of employment as […]
I’ve now been self-employed and working as an academic, career, and life coach for more than three years. I love that I get to work independently, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how much I can and do work collaboratively. When I started coaching, I worried about competitors. Over time, I saw more people beginning […]
This summer I decided to take a month off. Other than a couple weeks off in December, I’d been working steadily from August into June, with January-May as especially busy. Busy is good – a sign of a growing business – but there’s not much point in a stressed-out life coach. So I booked off […]
Adam Sanford works as an academic coach, writer, and adjunct instructor. He earned his PhD in sociology from the University of California, Riverside in 2012. Follow him on Twitter @undergradeasier and find him on the web at What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? I started my graduate program in […]
In the three years I’ve worked as a career and life coach, and through the years of my own transition, I’ve learned lots about the process of changing careers. What fascinates me most are the thoughts and feelings that accompany such a shift. When I talk about transition with my clients and others, I often […]
Rebecca Dirnfeld joined Ryerson University’s career centre in September 2014, and acts as a career consultant in the faculty of science. Additionally, she offers guidance to students and graduates on the job hunt through social media and via her website, Graduates in Transition, providing students a space to share personal experiences in developing their career […]
Susan Marie Martin earned her PhD in applied social studies from University College Cork, National University of Ireland. She’s currently an international educator at a private school in the Middle East, and an independent academic and researcher. Find her online at and follow her on Twitter @smariem13. What did you hope for in terms […]
Lindy Ledohowski earned her PhD in English, focusing on contemporary Canadian literature and ethnic identity politics, at the University of Toronto, and did a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Ottawa; she serves on the board of trustees for the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, is a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors, a member […]
Seeking employment outside academic faculty positions? Then this conference is for you.
Adam Bishop earned his PhD in Medieval Studies from the University of Toronto in 2011. He’s currently a translator, proofreader, editor, and researcher. Find him on Twitter @adammbishop. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? I had the same goal as all my PhD student friends – find a teaching […]
Paige Morgan earned her PhD in English with a certificate in Textual Studies from the University of Washington. Her research focused on how 18th century English poets adapted to the changing economic conditions and systems for publishing. She is currently the digital humanities librarian at the University of Miami. You can find her online here and […]
Nathaniel Bean works at the Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s Wu Family Academy of Learning & Engagement as their education librarian & program assistant. At the DSO, he is part of a team that manages a large youth orchestra program that serves nearly 450 metro Detroit youth. Nathaniel is in the fourth year of the Doctor of […]
Jennifer De Mello earned her PhD in Chemistry from the University of Georgia (USA). She’s currently a senior business analyst at Manheim Wholesale Auto Auctions. You can find her on LinkedIn. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? I had expected to go into industry after my PhD. […]
One of the pieces of advice I give people considering their options after a PhD is to take risks. Not big ones, but small ones. One at a time. These risks can take the form of drafting a resumé, just for yourself. Or conducting an informational interview, even with someone you already know. Or perhaps simply […]