Welcome to Responsibilities May Include, a new series that will offer practical professional and career advice for graduate students and postdocs.
The majority of the posts will be written for graduate students and postdocs. Prospective graduate students are also likely to benefit. The posts will provide practical professional and career advice. There will also be some posts written for faculty and staff who work with graduate students and postdocs that would explore programming options.
Specific topics will include (but are not limited to) strategies for success in graduate school, professional development, academic integrity, networking and leadership skills.
This series is being prepared by the newly formed Consortium of Canadian Graduate Student Professional Development Administrators.
Some of the authors will include:
- Jonathan Turner, University of Toronto, vice chair of CCGSPDA
- Emily Bell, McGill University
- Tara Christie, University of Calgary, chair of CCGSPDA
- Angela Rooke, University of Waterloo
- Corinne Bossé, Athabasca University
Look for the first post from Jonathan Turner in October!