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Media Scan

Headlines for April 11, 2017


Ottawa Citizen
Canadian science research eroding under ‘stifling preconditions’ of government funding, panel warns

Canada has become less competitive in science research as federal funding has been “flatlining” in recent years, says an expert panel appointed by the federal science minister.

Toronto Star
Scientific research needs $1.3 billion in new money, system overhaul, report says

Canada’s scientific performance has stalled relative to its peers while funding has been funnelled away from independent, investigator-led projects.

Opinion: Want better science? Listen to scientists.

David Naylor’s report on science research has some key, and probably unwelcome, discoveries for the Trudeau government, writes Paul Wells.

Toronto Star
National Research Council bought $8 million in new laptops after hack

Recovery from cyber attack targeting federal research agency’s secrets cost more than $100 million, documents show.

National Post
Opinion: At Wilfrid Laurier University, do as the campus thought police dictate, or else

As a member of a campus pro-life club, I’ve learned that certain campus factions with a strong ideological agenda are manipulating language and the concept of victimhood to silence opponents.

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