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Media Scan

Headlines for March 20, 2018

BY ANQI SHEN | MAR 20 2018

Globe and Mail
York University set to resume contract talks, but students fear semester is already at risk

Thousands of professors working on temporary contracts and graduate students have been on strike for the past two weeks.

National Post
I am a Mi’kmaq lawyer, and I despair over Colten Boushie

“I find it painful to talk about this case. Many other Indigenous people, especially my friends who also work in law, have expressed the same sentiment,” Dalhousie professor Naiomi Metallic writes.

U of A president should cut pay before charging students more, minister says

Advanced Education Minister Marlin Schmidt says University of Alberta president David Turpin should take a pay cut before charging students more for tuition and residence fees.

Manitoba has lowest college graduation rate in Canada, report says

The province plans to start determining funding based on performance, education minister Ian Wishart says.

National Post
Carleton University hiring resident magician to explain sleight of hand in modern life

The university is hiring someone to establish a research and teaching program in the “conjuring arts” for graduates and undergraduates.

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