Nipissing University has reappointed Mike DeGagné president and vice-chancellor. His second five-year term will begin Jan. 1, 2018. Dr. DeGagné holds a PhD in educational administration and master’s degrees in administration and law. He was previously executive director of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation and is a recipient of the Order of Canada.
Laurentian University has named Linda Ambrose special advisor to the president, beginning Jan. 1, 2017. She will support the work of a steering committee set to be appointed in February to develop Laurentian’s next strategic plan. Dr. Ambrose is a professor in the department of history and has previously served as acting dean of the faculties of social sciences and humanities. She has been at Laurentian for 22 years and co-authored Laurentian University: A History.
Steven Liss will become Ryerson University’s vice-president, research and innovation, starting April 1, 2017. He will also join Ryerson’s department of chemistry and biology as a full professor. Dr. Liss is currently vice-principal, research, at Queen’s University and previously served as associate vice-president, research, at the University of Guelph and associate dean for the faculty of engineering, architecture and science at Ryerson.
Emily Carr University of Art + Design named Kim Peacock its new board chair. Ms. Peacock is the principal of K2 Strategies, a business strategy and communications consulting firm. She was previously general manager of Edelman Canada West and director of global marketing for Hootsuite. She holds a bachelor of arts in communication from McGill University.
Nadia Bhuiyan begins a new role as Concordia University’s vice-provost, partnerships and experiential learning, on Jan. 1, 2017. Dr. Bhuiyan is the director of education for the Concordia Institute of Aerospace and Design Innovation. She joined Concordia in 2002 as assistant professor in the department of mechanical and industrial engineering and became a full professor in 2014.
Wanda Thomas Bernard, a professor of social work at Dalhousie University, was appointed an independent senator by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Oct. 27. Dr. Bernard is an alumna of Dalhousie and was the first African-Canadian to hold a tenure-track position at the university, where she has been a faculty member since 1990. Her research and teaching have centred on anti-oppression and cultural diversity. She is a founding member of the Association of Black Social Workers and currently serves as chair of the Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women. In recognition of her work, Dr. Bernard has received the Nova Scotia Human Rights Award, the Order of Nova Scotia and the Order of Canada.
Diane Hawco began a new role on Nov. 7 as Dalhousie University’s first full-time ombudsperson, a position created by the university and its student union as an impartial resource to help students resolve university-related concerns. Ms. Hawco has worked for the Ontario Court of Justice and the Nova Scotia Department of Justice as a mediator and conciliator, and as a youth corrections and addictions counsellor in Newfoundland.
York University has reappointed Jeff O’Hagan to the position of vice-president, advancement, effective Oct. 1. Prior to this role at York, Mr. O’Hagan was chief executive officer of the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Foundation and held senior fundraising roles at Western University and the St. Mary’s General Hospital Foundation in Waterloo.
McGill University has named Brenda Ravenscroft dean of its Schulich School of Music, beginning July 1, 2017. Dr. Ravenscroft holds a PhD from the University of British Columbia, a master’s degree in music from King’s College and a bachelor’s from the University of Cape Town. She is currently associate professor of music theory and composition at Queen’s University and associate dean, teaching and learning, for its faculty of arts and science.
Michael Charles has been appointed executive director of York University’s Centre for Human Rights, effective Nov. 1. He has served as interim director of the centre since Sept. 5 and as an advisor for the previous three years. A graduate of the Osgoode Hall Law School, Mr. Charles is an executive committee member of Human Rights Watch (Canada) and a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada.
Dominic Giroux, president and vice-chancellor of Laurentian University, was named vice-chair of the board of directors of Universities Canada. Mr. Giroux is on the executive committee of the Council of Ontario Universities. He also serves on Ontario’s Economic Advisory Panel and the Mowat Centre’s Advisory Board.
John Rogers is the new chair of Acadia University’s governing board, which he joined in 2009. Mr. Rogers is a partner at the Halifax law firm Stewart McKelvey, where he was chief executive officer for over 12 years. He also serves as chair and director of United Way Halifax, director of the Nova Scotia Health Authority and director of the Junior Achievement of Canada Foundation.
Brock University has appointed Joffre Mercier its interim vice-president, research, as the university searches for a permanent replacement. Dr. Mercier is a biology professor whose research focuses on how hormones modulate behaviour. He previously served as associate vice-president, research, at Brock and associate dean of research and graduate studies in the faculty of mathematics and science.
Melissa Just will become dean of the University of Saskatchewan’s library on Feb.1. She has served as associate vice-president for information services at Rutgers University in New Jersey and director of the biomedical library at the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Just holds a master of library and information science from the University of Texas and a doctor of education from the University of Southern California.