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Career Advice
BY JASON CONNELL | January 12 2011

This vital skill can open doors to funding, contacts and new opportunities.

networking seems at its best a guarantee of awkward small talk, at its worst, a glorified word for using people. Despite the bad connotations, when done correctly, networking is beneficial for everyone involved. Networking is also an essential skill for any graduate student. It will open many doo...
BY WENDY GLAUSER | November 07 2017

Networks of Centres of Excellence that reach the end of their final funding cycle by 2019 are now allowed to reapply.

A quietly made funding change could affect the fates of several multimillion-dollar Canadian research networks. Though there was no major announcement, the details of the latest Networks of Centres of Excellence competition, posted online in August, reveal that research networks that have already re...

Our commitment to conduct a research network in two languages faced 
some predictable challenges – and offered some surprising rewards

The great secret of social science research in Canada is that work by our French-speaking colleagues in Quebec is some of the best social science in the country. International citation rates and research funding levels show this to be so. But most people in Canada – including most English-speaking...
BY DIANE PETERS | September 13 2010

Universities are looking at ways to make information technology on campus more energy efficient and eco-friendly.

Right now, it’s just a pile of dirt, but within the year the construction site on the southwest side of the University of Waterloo campus will become one of the most ecologically advanced university buildings in Canada. The faculty of environment building will use solar energy, have a rooftop gard...
BY MICHAEL SMITH | February 06 2012

Federal government must decide how much funding to give Canada’s high-speed computing network.

Canada’s research community has concerns about the future of CANARIE, Canada’s Advanced Research and Innovation Network, whose five-year funding mandate is up fo...
BY UA/AU | May 30 2020
networking opportunities, and even virtual exhibitions. Registered participants will have the opportunity to watch sessions live and on-demand. Live sessions will be held throughout the day, such that participants across time zones will be able to attend them.” The theme for this year’s confe...
BY UA/AU | September 30 2020

September 30, 2020

Infectious disease expert steps down from federal task force on COVID-19 vaccine

Gary Kobinger, director of the centre for infectious disease research (Centre de recherche en infectiologie) at Université Laval, has left
Sponsored Content
BY STEVEN N. LISS | September 05 2018

A comprehensive guide of the Portage Network.

Research data are valuable outputs of the scholarly process. The value is multidimensional in offering the potential for data mining, data re-use, validation of published results, giving credit and recognition for transparency, and commitment to the scrutiny and critical evaluation of accessible res...
Career Advice

Spurred on by low graduation rates among its grad students, the Université du Québec network has released a report outlining ways to improve the graduate school experience.

According to a new report from the Université du Québec network, communication, cooperation, consolidation, coherence and recognition are the key factors that contribute to graduate student success. The report,
BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | February 08 2010

Reputable agents can be your best representative for attracting international students, say recruiters, but beware the shysters.

networking forums … devoted to achieving results and growing international student enrolments.” The number of full-time international students at Canadian universities has been growing until recently and sits at around 77,000, according to AUCC. The number-one source country for international...
BY ROSANNA TAMBURRI | October 05 2016

Where are the women?

Canada’s liberal government was officially sworn in last year on a bright and unseasonably warm November day. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau emerged from Rideau Hall to present his new cabinet to the cheering crowd that had gathered on the grounds of the Governor General’s residence. With 15 men ...
BY PAT RICH | January 09 2017

Researchers are discovering that the microbes in the human gut don’t just aid digestion, but likely play important roles in the development and regulation of many diseases.

An accurate but less-than-riveting title for Brett Finlay and Marie-Claire Arrieta’s bestselling book for parents published this past September could have been: Enhancing Environmental Biodiversity for Optimizing Pediatric Gut Microbiome Health. Instead, Dr. Finlay, a professor of microbiol...
In my opinion
BY JEFF ROBERTS | September 08 2008

Students expect more Internet access than ever, and universities need to involve everyone in deciding how to provide it

Universities accustomed to gripes about classroom and office space had better get ready to deal with complaints over another scarce resource. As they welcome young people who have spent more of their lives on the Internet than watching television, Canada’s universities will be expected to provide ...
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