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In my opinion
BY RICARDO DUCHESNE | December 20 2010

A response to the article “Racism in the academy”.

racism-in-the-academy/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Racism in the academy,” by Harriet Eisenkraft, in which up to 20 academics from across the Canadian university landscape are interviewed and cited in support of the sweeping allegation that “many non-Caucasian scholars still feel exclude...
BY DANIEL DROLET | March 23 2009

Les universitaires et administrateurs refusent de reconnaître le racisme systémique qui sévit dans leurs rangs

racisme systémique, par opposition au racisme individuel, ainsi qu’aux barrières et à la discrimination insidieuses auxquelles se heurtent les universitaires issus des minorités visibles. Lors de l’assemblée précitée, qui s’est tenue en mars dernier à Ottawa, Carol Tator, une cherc...
The Black Hole

Three scientists share their thoughts on how the scientific community can help combat racism in all its forms.

racism that divides our cities, communities and neighbourhoods. Certainly, we should take responsibility for biases we exhibit in hiring, reviewing publications and grants, granting speaking opportunities at conferences, showcasing scientists and giving them credit for their accomplishments – topi...
From the admin chair
BY MALINDA SMITH | February 25 2021

How the pandemic has highlighted the disparities and knowledge gaps in our institutions and society.

racism. Caught on camera, we witnessed the life seep out of Mr. Floyd under the knee of a police officer, and later we heard the insults and slurs hurled at Joyce Echaquan as she lay dying on a Quebec hospital bed. We witnessed the ordinariness and cruelty of racial violence enacted by those entr...
BY JACKIE WONG | November 08 2017

Des universitaires veulent qu’on examine de plus près les questions de diversité et d’équité sur les campus.

racisme au Canada, est anthropologue culturelle et professeure retraitée de l’Université York. En plus d’avoir mené la toute première étude sur le racisme à Toronto en 1974, elle a consacré sa longue carrière (plusieurs dizaines d’années) à des travaux d’érudition décisifs sur le...
BY JACKIE WONG | November 08 2017

Scholars push for a deeper look at how race and racism play out on university campuses.

racism research in Canada. The cultural anthropologist and retired York University professor conducted the very first study of racism in Toronto in 1974, and she has dedicated her decades-long professional life to critical race scholarship. Most recently, she was the principal investigator of the...
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