lundi 31 mai
Retour du congrès de la Fédération des sciences humaines
Après avoir été annulé l’an dernier en raison de la pandémie, le congrès annuel de la Fédération des sciences humaines 28, 2021
Brock students in residence will need to be vaccinated this fall
Continue reading is now requi...September 29, 2021
Thirty people sent to hospital after Fake Homecoming at Western
The Continue reading repor...Universities prioritize students’ personal satisfaction and positive experiences over their education.
Le programme B.A.R.K. offre aux étudiants et membres de la communauté de passer du temps avec des chiens thérapeutes.
Le retour aux normes en vigueur avant la pandémie sera une entreprise délicate.
Strategic investments are needed to support all stakeholders in the transition to research equity.
By targeting certain behaviours, we can significantly reduce the environmental impact of research without compromising quality.
Universities employ a very small fraction of all career scientists and serve mainly as a stepping stone to the next career phase rather than a final destination.
- “Am I a failure for wanting to leave academia?”
De l’université au marché du travail.
The importance of mentorship in graduate education
Three academics reflect on how they got on the tenure track.
No one expects you to become an online teaching guru overnight. The best any of us can do is just get through the rest of the semester by focusing on student learning.
Online teaching requires learning new skills, as well as acknowledging the types of audiences they are attempting to engage.
L’enseignement en ligne exige l’apprentissage de nouvelles compétences et la connaissance de son auditoire.