The Black Hole
BY JONATHAN THON | June 26 2013
Christian Paradis, the minister of Industry and State (Agriculture) recently announced that in response to the continuing challenges facing the global economy, the Canadian government has elected
Responsibilities May Include
BY REBECCA DIRNFELD | November 09 2018
Leveraging the skills you acquired in grad school is key to enhancing any future employment you delve into.
I often ponder the skills I use every day to successfully undertake projects in my role as lead of graduate career education at Ryerson University. Whether one-to-one advising, developing and giving presentations, leading meetings, or attending and presenting at conferences, this is my graduate leve...
BY JEAN NICOLAS | January 07 2008
A heated debate over how to train PhD students for the jobs awaiting them has percolated for 15 years in Europe and the U.S. It’s high time for a Canadian discussion
Bright-eyed and bursting with excitement, the PhD student enters my office to announce the first validation of our hypothesis. As we rush off to the lab to observe the result together, our conversation is punctuated by exclamations. Before we can celebrate the joy of discovery, however, it is my rol...
Les activités de recherche concertées découlant d’un échange bidirectionnel d’information entre les chercheurs et la population gagnent du terrain.
En avril dernier, l'Université de la Saskatchewan a réuni 12 personnes et leur a demandé d'imaginer l'avenir de l'agriculture dans la province. « Beaucoup des investissements nécessaires dans ce secteur doivent tenir compte d'une perspective à très long terme, affirme David Gullacher du Prai...
BY DANIEL DROLET | February 09 2009
Les universités de l’Atlantique doivent se montrer très ingénieuses dans leurs activités de recrutement étant donné que, dans leur région, le bassin des 18-24 ans commence à s’appauvrir. Quelles leçons d’autres régions peuvent-elles en tirer?
Déterminée à
quitter son Manitoba natal pour ses études universitaires, Robyn Zajac a pré-senté une demande d’admission à des universités de l’Ontario et de la région de l’Atlanti
BY SHELDON GORDON | April 06 2009
Law students offer their time pro bono to help guide groups and individuals – many of whom can’t afford legal counsel–through the judicial maze
On a blustery November morning, Rina Jeyakumar dashes, coatless, to the chambers of Toronto’s small claims court from a cramped law office across the courtyard, to have a word with the presiding judge. Leaning towards the bench, sotto voce, Ms. Jeyakumar requests a delay before her client...
BY SHELDON GORDON | April 06 2009
Des étudiants en droit guident bénévolement, dans le dédale du système judiciaire, des personnes qui n’ont pas les moyens de s’offrir les services d’un conseiller juridique
La juge en chef de la Cour suprême du Canada, l’hono-rable Beverly McLachlin, déplore que, pour le Canadien moyen, le droit à un procès équitable soit menacé en raison de frais juridiques exorbitants. Certains jours, rapporte-t-elle, jusqu’à 40 pour cent des intimés qui se présentent de...
BY ALEX USHER | October 05 2009
Imagining the future of Canadian post-secondary education
It wouldn’t be an anniversary celebration without a look ahead. For this we asked higher-education adviser Alex Usher to imagine some of the major trends and events that might influence Canadian universities in the 21st century. In a twist of perspective, he catapults himself into...
BY ALEX USHER | October 05 2009
Qui dit anniversaire dit regard vers l’avenir. Nous avons donc demandé à Alex Usher, un expert-conseil en éducation postsecondaire, d’imaginer certains de grandes tendances pouvant avoir des répercussions sur les universités canadiennes. Dans un retournement de point de vue, il s’est imaginé en 2034, revenant sur les 25 ans qui se seront alors écoulés depuis le 50e anniversaire d’Affaires universitaires, en 2009.
À l’occasion du 75e anniversaire d’Affaires universitaires, on m’a invité à revisiter certaines des grandes tendances qui o...
BY TARA SIEBARTH | June 13 2011
University Affairs web editor Tara Siebarth talked to Stephen Henighan, a professor of Spanish-American literature at the University of Guelph, about writing fiction, the inspiration behind his short story in this month’s issue, and the difference between academic and creative writing.
How I became a Muslim.
What was your inspiration for “How I became a Muslim”?
For me, inspiration for short stories can come from all sorts of weird moments – you never know when a story is going to creep up on you....
BY VIRGINIA GALT | September 12 2011
Skills training gives PhD students a boost, whether they find work inside or outside academia.
Nathalie Magnus is pursuing her doctoral degree at McGill University’s division of experimental medicine, one of an elite group hand-picked by pediatric oncologist Janusz Rak to participate in ground-breaking research on the interaction between blood vessels and tumour growth. She serves as a vice...