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Career Advice
BY CARLY STASKO | May 12 2020

Video conferencing can be isolating and strange for some of your students – here are some tips to make sure everyone feels seen and heard.

In the past month I've reinvented myself as a Zoom host. I've leveraged 20 years as a facilitator, educator, and media producer with hours of experimentation and research that include facilitated meetings, family Skype gatherings, and guest teaching at my children's homeschooling chaotic classroom m...
Career Advice

Nous devons comprendre que l’enseignement à distance est très complexe et ne se limite pas à mettre du contenu en ligne.
Career Advice
BY JESSICA RIZK & AMY KAUFMAN | September 01 2020

Lorsque l’enseignement en ligne se fait bien, c’est-à-dire lorsqu’il est centré sur les étudiants et repose sur une saine pédagogie, l’apprentissage est comparable à l’enseignement en personne.

Les membres du corps professoral et du personnel des établissements postsecondaires de l’Ontario ont fait preuve de diligence et dévouement herculéens lorsqu’en mars dernier, ils ont fait la transition de leurs cours en personne à des cours en ligne et à distance en seulement quelques jours...
Career Advice

La pandémie a contribué à attirer notre attention sur les facteurs clés qui sont garants d’une formation de niveau postsecondaire de grande qualité.

La pandémie de COVID-19 a contraint les établissements d’enseignement postsecondaire, le corps professoral, le personnel et les élèves à s’adapter vite et d’une façon tout à fait inédite. De toute son histoire, jamais l’humanité n’avait vécu un tel cataclysme : l’apprentissage ...
Career Advice
BY TIM KENYON | November 03 2020

Coup d’œil sur les obstacles que rencontrent communément les professeurs dans leurs activités de recherche après l’obtention de la permanence.

Comment définir un essoufflement des activités de recherche en milieu de carrière? Dans le milieu universitaire, nous sommes nombreux à avoir constaté qu’à l’enthousiasme à l’idée d’obtenir la permanence, puis à l’énergie déployée pour l’obtenir et à l’anxiété qui en dé...
Career Advice
BY MAUD CUCCHI | November 11 2020

Des universités montréalaises ont développé des ressources innovantes de mentorat accessibles à distance.

Pour réussir cette rentrée bien singulière, plusieurs universités misent sur des dispositifs de mentorat qui proposent d’accompagner les étudiants dans leurs parcours universitaire et professionnel, a fortiori en période difficile de crise sanitaire. Ces derniers mois, l’Université de Mon...
Career Advice
BY TANYA NOEL | April 19 2021

Take the time to determine how your course is structured and run; it will make a huge difference in deciding which method to choose.

In the past few months, I’ve been hearing very broad statements about synchronous vs. asynchronous classes from faculty colleagues concerned that “students need synchronous classes to learn” or “students prefer asynchronous courses.” As an academic adviser I’ve also had the privilege of ...
Career Advice
BY SASHA LAVOIE | May 11 2021

Simple, actionable changes to consider as we continue remote learning.

As most of us continue to work from home, the way these spaces are set up and used can make a significant impact on our health. While it’s unlikely we can replicate our on-campus environments, there are small improvements we can make to look after our bodies and create a comfortable experience con...
Career Advice

Why more PhDs should transition to public policy and how they can do it.

I didn’t really know what public policy was before I came to Ottawa. My PhD was in religious studies and I happily spent my days studying papyri from Hellenistic Egypt and religious observation in ancient Greece. Of course, I’d heard of public policy, usually on the news where they would talk ab...
Career Advice

L’initiative comprend notamment de la formation sur la promotion et la vente d’œuvres d’art.

Une nouvelle collection d’œuvres d’art de l’Université Concordia aide les finissants et récents diplômés de sa Faculté des beaux-arts à lancer leur carrière dans un marché très concurrentiel, tout en offrant au grand public la chance de louer ou d’acheter leurs œuvres. Le proje...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | April 28 2014
I was recently chatting with a friend here in Toronto who's ABD and looking for full-time employment. He told me that when he "buried his degree" on his resume -- placed education last instead of closer to the top -- that he'd received much better responses from potential employers. Previously, his ...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | May 21 2014
It's election season here in Ontario. Where I live, the lawn signs went up a few days ago, and the campaign offices are up and running, their outsides and insides plastered with oange (NDP) and red (Liberal). On my walk home from the library just now, I noticed one home sporting two election signs, ...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | February 19 2015
Continue reading by Rebecca Peabody is a collection of first-hand accounts and interviews with people who've travelled in, through, and beyond graduate school. After a brief introduction by Dr....
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | March 11 2015
Canada's two largest universities -- University of Toronto and York University -- are affected by strikes. Last week, first graduate student teaching assistants and course instructors struck at U of T, followed closely by all contract teaching assistants and instructors at York University. (York's C...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | February 11 2016
I recently spoke with a humanities PhD who's having difficulty securing meaningful employment. After a one-year stint as a professor soon after he graduated, he's worked for a private company for the past 18 months. “General office work,” he told me. “This used to be a summer job, and they hir...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | May 04 2016

Seeking employment outside academic faculty positions? Then this conference is for you.

This is the third year I'll co-produce an online conference -- a series of interactive, live webinars. Continue reading is aimed at graduate students and PhDs who are curious about or actively seeking employment outside ac...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | April 12 2017

This year’s online career conference for PhDs promises lots of helpful information for both the academic and non-academic job search.

The online career conference I co-produce with Maren Wood is coming up in May! Registration is open for individuals and groups. Our returning conference partner is Continue reading. Over 750 people have attended the conference since the first annual event in 2014. About ha...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | November 14 2017

Guest writer Jessica Hartshorn says conferences can, and should, be a place to add to your reputation and develop name recognition.

This is a guest post by Jessica Hartshorn, PhD, who works as forest health specialist at the Minnesota department of natural resources. Ah, academic conferences. The time has come for frantic presentation editing, hotel practice sessions, and department mixers! Conference...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | December 08 2017

Today, the civil service is lean, constantly under pressure to deliver high-quality results while keeping departmental budgets low.

This is a guest post from Andrew Miller, PhD, a strategic leader with the City of Mississauga. In 2016 the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario did a study and found that 51 percent of Ontario PhD holders who graduated in 2009 had positions in the post-secondary education sector. ...
From PhD to Life
BY JENNIFER POLK | January 09 2018
This is a guest post by Raj Dhiman, PhD, who works as an inside sales manager (small business) at Rogers Communication. Unemployment hurts. Plain and simple. I experienced it when I left academia about five years ago. I was PhD in hand and applying for the “obvious” jobs: assi...
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