Myth busting: What exactly is a postdoc?
Often confused as either students or faculty, this ‘in between’ position is vital to the academic ecosystem.
Often confused as either students or faculty, this ‘in between’ position is vital to the academic ecosystem.
It is not enough to have a postdocs’ association at your institution – they require a voice, power and influence to make important changes for future researchers.
A diversity of mentors is instrumental for supporting PhD students in exploring life outside of the tenure track.
The key to surviving and thriving is to have a good navigation strategy.
What separates the hero from others is a willingness to embrace the challenge despite the unknown and to keep going no matter the obstacles.
Put yourself front and centre in your career planning.
Educational development is an alt-ac career that leverages teaching experience and ‘enhances the work of colleges and universities, with a focus on teaching and learning.’
A faculty member collaborated with campus career services to deliver an experiential learning option to PhD students with diverse backgrounds.
An interview with winners of McGill University’s Three Minute Thesis and Ma thèse en 180 secondes competitions.
A career education specialist shares how he rediscovered his strengths and was able to forge a new career path.
Do our students have the skills to succeed in a post-pandemic world?
I felt stuck in my job search. But networking, conducting informational interviews and revamping my CV helped me not only find a great job, but get it.
You still need compelling content while also giving extra focus to your voice and visual elements of your presentation.
Can an in-person job shadow program be adapted to an online environment?