Engaging the public in sidewalk astronomy
The #popscope project energizes public spaces through experiential, free-choice learning.
The #popscope project energizes public spaces through experiential, free-choice learning.
Borderlands Science, a mini-game within the popular Borderlands 3 video game is putting a new spin on citizen science.
It’s time to prioritize investments in open infrastructure to realize truly transformational open access.
‘When you look online for anything about abortion, it is very difficult to know what you’re reading is legitimate and accurate,’ says one of the creators.
While efforts to eradicate HIV continue, funding for Canadian researchers is dwindling.
Programs like U of T’s Scholars-in-Residence offer students the opportunity to dive into a project and discover whether academic research is for them.
Universities getting a full view of the upcoming eclipse explore the science and art of astronomy.
Building stakeholder partnerships from the beginning of a thesis project is a great way to inspire meaningful knowledge mobilization from student research.
Are regional, class, gender and ethnic history programs shattering Canada’s collective sense of national identity?
The Saskatchewan-based researcher has been studying and tracking super pigs for over 14 years.
A recent report on research culture shows that evaluation is key, but stops short of practical solutions to core problems.
New policy includes lists of sensitive research areas and foreign institutions considered national security risks.
How two École de technologie supérieure researchers played a key role in developing a new helmet prototype.
Things are progressing, but there is still work to be done.