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January 2012

BY TARA SIEBARTH | December 11 2011
BY MAUREEN MANCUSO | December 05 2011

Quality vs. quantity.

BY TARA SIEBARTH | December 05 2011

Be well prepared and set objectives.

BY JENNIFER ALLFORD | December 05 2011

The first cohort of U of Calgary’s vet students spend their final year in the field.

BY CHRISTINA CHANT | December 05 2011

Research study finds personal concerns like job preparedness are the main motivations for students going abroad to volunteer.

BY HANNAH HOAG | December 05 2011

Free access to all data will provide the best care for patients, says Cochrane Collaboration.

BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | December 05 2011

Perhaps it was his deep baritone that helped former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney with his political career.

BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | December 05 2011

Contest compels participants to explain their thesis through interpretive dance.

BY KRISTEN WRIGHT | December 05 2011

Rabi Sun wants people to know what the University of British Columbia looks like. Not what its buildings look like, or what the statistics say it looks like, but how it looks through the faces of the people who go there. Since he started at UBC as a first-year student in political science in 2009, […]

BY ANITA LAHEY | December 05 2011

The experience of poets slash philosophers in academe reveals the growing pains that can accompany shifting disciplinary borders.

BY DIANE PETERS | December 05 2011

Students have been starting up businesses at such a feverish pace that the biggest challenge for universities that house such programs is keeping up with the talent and energy they’ve unleashed.

BY DIANE PETERS | December 05 2011

The status of research-based evidence in the Canadian courts moved up a notch with the resounding Insite decision by the Supreme Court. The implications for social scientists and their work could be profound.

BY JEAN-FRANÇOIS VENNE | November 30 2011

A new program is being offered to retirees to think about the meaning of their lives and to develop a life project.

BY KRISTEN WRIGHT | November 28 2011

Program targets first-generation students.

BY PEGGY BERKOWITZ | November 23 2011

Association wants to explore the ways its member universities contribute to Canada.