Headlines for Nov. 23, 2018

Globe and Mail
Head of UBC research institute resigns over academic freedom concern
The director of a celebrated research centre at the University of British Columbia has resigned over what he sees as the university’s meddling in its academic independence.
Hamilton Spectator
Opinion: McMaster University should step up on protecting student privacy
Amid the redevelopment of its website, the university should be better advocating for students’ right to protect their data, Cassidy Bereskin writes.
UBCO students give out free hugs to combat loneliness
A small group of UBCO students were giving out free hugs in the foyer of a busy campus building on Thursday.
Featured Jobs
- Accounting - Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty PositionUniversity of Alberta
- Research Chair in Systems Transformation and Family Justice (Faculty Position)University of Calgary
- Psychology - Assistant Professor (Social)Mount Saint Vincent University
- Architecture - Assistant ProfessorMcGill University
- Psychology - Assistant Professor (Human Neuroscience or Quantitative Methods)University of New Brunswick
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