Addressing the leak in Canada’s academic pipeline
Systemic challenges often start in graduate school for women.
Systemic challenges often start in graduate school for women.
One way to simplify potentially complex lists is to arrange the items to progress in complexity, placing the ‘heaviest’ or most complex item at the end.
Grading can be tedious, but there are ways to make it more human and – surprisingly – more fun.
Instructors have the opportunity to provide students with empathy, context and skills to manage our current context.
If your writing is being labeled as ‘too dense’, there are some simple ways to reorder the words in your sentences.
All soon-to-be-retired academics should be encouraged to join their institution’s retiree association – but some don’t even know it exists.
Summer is a great time for both rest and productivity, so some serious planning on the front end can help you make the most of both.
How to support the teaching mission at your institution.
Having a mentor who is available when you need them and listens to your dreams and concerns objectively is key.
Working for your supervisor is a choice, not an obligation.
Academic support units have an important role to play in the professionalization of graduate students.
Often, interdisciplinary research projects don’t fit into the standard funding competition requirements, but the NFRF values true interdisciplinarity.
Instructors across all disciplines can advance citizenship development through knowledge and skills training.
Supervisors and trainees have a shared interest in carrying out high quality research – and need a conducive environment in order to do so.