Headlines for April 30, 2024

Ottawa Citizen
International students will be allowed to work 24 hours a week starting in September
There are no limits on the number of hours international students can work when school is on break during the summer and during winter holidays.
Global News
Gaza protests: McGill Pro-Palestinian demonstrations spread to UBC, uOttawa
While anger about Israel’s war in Gaza is escalating across the U.S. universities and colleges, pro-Palestinian protests are also growing across Canadian campuses.
CBC News
Ontario universities warn student activists encampments will not be tolerated
University of Toronto, University of Ottawa say encampments to result in consequences.
Times Higher Education
Canada and Australia lose allure for international students
US, with the looming possibility of a second Trump presidency, deemed a more reliable education prospect than its anglophone rivals.
Featured Jobs
- Psychology - Assistant Professor (Social)Mount Saint Vincent University
- Electrical and Computer Engineering - Assistant/Associate ProfessorWestern University
- Critical Studies of Technology, Sustainability, and Development - Postdoctoral Researcher Ontario Tech University
- Indigenous Studies - Faculty PositionUniversité Laval
- Accounting - Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty PositionUniversity of Alberta
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