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Stacked newspapers on a white background

Montreal Gazette
Opinion: Research participants should have right to confidentiality

Canadian law provides no guaranteed right to confidentiality for people who participate in research projects. This fact is shocking for researchers in other parts of the world, where researchers and participants can be guaranteed the same legal privilege as a lawyer and client.

New York Times
A College Built for Canadian Settlers Envisions an Indigenous Future
On a recent brilliant morning, the University of Saskatchewan transformed its college green into a powwow arena, with white canvas tepees, drum circles and lines of young women braiding their hair and affixing eagle plumes in preparation for graduation festivities.

Policy Options
Once more into the copyright breach

A look at what adjustments to copyright policy can be made through regulation, what needs legislative tweaking, and what’s brewing in the courts.

National Post
Governor general apologizes for calling indigenous people ‘immigrants’ after interview backlash

‘We’re a country based on immigration going right back to our, quote, indigenous people, unquote, who were immigrants as well, 10, 12, 14 thousand years ago,’ David Johnston said.

National Post
Opinion: Mob outrage over Governor General’s misspoken indigenous comment is misplaced

It was surprising to see David Johnston the subject of online vitriol, the result of his use of the ill-chosen ‘immigrants’ in relation to Canada’s aboriginal people.

Windsor Star
No more lab rats: Alternatives to animal testing sought at new Windsor research centre

White mice and other animal test subjects might be an iconic part of the public’s image of a scientific laboratory — but it’s way past time for that to change, says University of Windsor researcher Dr. Charu Chandrasekera.

Globe and Mail
McGill medical school to reach out to Indigenous, low-income students after missing diversity goals

“We have a new structure in place, we are doing consultations to better understand the needs of our community,” said David Eidelman, the dean of medicine at McGill University. “When we talk to Indigenous communities in our area they tell us that their big struggle is to keep students engaged all the way through high school so they can go on to have the prerequisites to get into med school, or any other of the health professions.”

CBC News
National Post to eliminate Monday print edition

Publication has ceased Monday editions over past eight summers, but won’t resume when summer ends.

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