Headlines for July 23, 2020
Huffington Post
Most International Students Barred From Canada Right Now: Government
International students make big contributions to Canadian universities and colleges, and the economy.
The Guardian
Feds provide $77.5M to pair of U of S research facilities, aid COVID-19 research
Two major science facilities at the University of Saskatchewan will benefit from federal funding announced Tuesday.
Global News
USask’s VIDO-InterVac team collaborating with other universities to develop COVID-19 vaccine
The University of Saskatchewan’s VIDO-InterVac team is nearing human clinical trials for a COVID-19 vaccine being developed.
CTV News
Launch of internship to help U of C students during COVID-19 pandemic
The Haskayne School of Business has teamed up with Mitacs to launch a business strategy internship.
Global News
Queen’s University COVID-19 research: Income security for the 21st century
Queen’s University Rapid Response Research into COVID-19. Professor of Kinesiology, Elaine Powers looks into income security during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Toronto Star
University students want some of their tuition back due to unused services and online learning
Students returning to colleges and universities in the fall are looking at a classroom environment that is much different than what they signed up for. With the continued spread of COVID-19, a large number of classes have moved online.
Global News
‘This is unacceptable’: Students call out Trudeau government over WE Charity scandal
Two groups representing thousands of post-secondary students are calling on the Trudeau Liberals to abandon its troubled volunteer program and push its $900-million funding to other student supports.
UPEI student waits for answers after federal volunteer program problems
A UPEI student is among the thousands of Canadian students whose educational futures have been put on hold until they hear whether they’ll be able to participate in the federal Canada Student Services Grant (CSSG).
National Post
‘An obvious issue of academic freedom’: B.C. university suspends professor for year over Facebook post
A Canadian economics professor at the centre of what he says is a battle over academic freedom has been suspended for a year because of a Facebook post.
The Globe and Mail
2020 vs. 2012 vs. 1984: Young adults have it harder than ever today
Someone should hang an Out of Order sign on the escalator of economic prosperity for young adults.
CTV News
Kingston Police treating vandalism at Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre as a hate-crime
Kingston Police are treating vandalism to flags at the Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre at Queen’s University as a hate-motivated crime.
North Bay Nugget
Nipissing names new teaching chair
Nipissing University has appointed Douglas Gosse as its new teaching chair in learning outcomes.
Featured Jobs
- Accounting - Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty PositionUniversity of Alberta
- Electrical Engineering - Assistant Professor (Electromagnetic/Photonic Devices and Systems)Toronto Metropolitan University
- Indigenous Studies - Faculty PositionUniversité Laval
- Psychology - Assistant Professor (Social)Mount Saint Vincent University
- Electrical and Computer Engineering - Assistant/Associate ProfessorWestern University
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