Headlines for May 6, 2020

Indigenous post-secondary students confused about federal COVID-19 funding support
Indigenous post-secondary students facing financial challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic are giving the federal government’s aid announcements mixed reviews.
Scientists concerned focus on COVID-19 disrupting regular health research funds
Canada’s health research granting agency has postponed its usual funding competition due to COVID-19, sparking concern the lack of money could disrupt regular health research.
Windsor Star
University of Windsor hikes tuition fees for international students
International students, many already struggling during the COVID pandemic, are concerned after the University of Windsor increased tuition fees for the upcoming summer semester.
Red FM
One on One with SFU President Andrew Petter
Harjinder Thind talks with the president and vice-chancellor at Simon Fraser University, Andrew Petter, about the future of higher education after COVID-19.
Global News
Research project sees mass coronavirus testing in Hamilton homeless shelters
A research project within Hamilton’s homeless shelters is looking to catch any cases of the coronavirus before it can spread among those living in close quarters.
Vancouver Province
COVID-19: Four B.C. groups part of Health Canada’s fight to find a treatment
First-of-its-kind antibody manufacturing facility to be created in Vancouver over the next four years.
Featured Jobs
- Electrical and Computer Engineering - Assistant/Associate ProfessorWestern University
- Indigenous Studies - Faculty PositionUniversité Laval
- Psychology - Assistant Professor (Social)Mount Saint Vincent University
- Accounting - Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty PositionUniversity of Alberta
- Critical Studies of Technology, Sustainability, and Development - Postdoctoral Researcher Ontario Tech University
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