Headlines for March 10, 2020
The PIE News
Canada: Covid-19 causes reluctance from host families
A number of homestay hosts in Canada are reportedly turning down placements for international students coming from countries where there has been a major coronavirus outbreak, leading to a potential shortage of provision.
Global News
Lethbridge post-secondary schools say health and safety top priority amid coronavirus concerns
Post-secondary institutes in Lethbridge said they are encouraging staff and students to be proactive about the possible spread of COVID-19.
Global News
Coronavirus: B.C. university launches virtual tours amid growing COVID-19 fears
A B.C. Christian university is going virtual in a bid to keep its annual spring recruiting weekend on track amid growing COVID-19 fears.
King’s University cancels international trips for students over coronavirus fears
Students at King’s University College in London, Ont. were notified Monday that all international school trips would be cancelled as a result of coronavirus fears.
The London Free Press
Western University, Fanshawe College prepare beyond cold and flu measures for COVID-19
London’s post-secondary schools are keeping close tabs on the novel coronavirus in Canada and are prepared to launch extra infection prevention measures on campus should the respiratory illness arrive here, officials say.
MUN department head quits after budget cuts create ‘untenable’ situation
When Russell Williams was told to cut 20 per cent of the courses in Memorial University’s political science department, he decided to step down instead.
Canadian Federation of Students Lobbying for Post Secondary Sexual Assault Policies
The local chair of the Canadian Federation of Students is touring the west coast to talk to students about consent culture.
The Toronto Star
University of Toronto’s Russell Street is named after a slaveowner. The city wants to rename it after a renowned scientist
The name of one of the city’s most notorious slave owners is close to being wiped from the street running through the University of Toronto that bears his name.
University of Windsor offers rare recovery program for students battling addiction
Starting this fall, University of Windsor students looking for support dealing with alcohol and substance abuse will be able to receive help at a student-led peer recovery group.
The Globe and Mail
Business schools aim to fill gap in Indigenous relations
When Bob Joseph began working in Indigenous relations 25 years ago, the federal government’s advice to businesses for consulting with Indigenous communities went as follows: Send a letter. Wait 30 days. No response, proceed with permitting.
Featured Jobs
- Accounting - Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty PositionUniversity of Alberta
- Electrical and Computer Engineering - Assistant/Associate ProfessorWestern University
- Psychology - Assistant Professor (Social)Mount Saint Vincent University
- Electrical Engineering - Assistant Professor (Electromagnetic/Photonic Devices and Systems)Toronto Metropolitan University
- Indigenous Studies - Faculty PositionUniversité Laval
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