Headlines for Feb. 3, 2020

Global News
Labour dispute forces cancellation of classes at New Brunswick’s Mount Allison University
The administration at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick has cancelled all classes scheduled for Monday, citing uncertainty around an ongoing labour dispute.
CTV News
Canada’s Laurent Duvernay-Tardif was the first medical doctor to play in a Super Bowl
This doctor has one of the most important jobs in Super Bowl LIV, but he’s not part of the team’s medical staff.
Canadian Insider
The National Research Council of Canada and the University of Ottawa create a new innovation hub
This innovative hub for extreme and quantum photonics research will unite the strongest research team in this field, in the country, and reinforce Canada’s leading role in photonics, the science of light.
CTV News
Almost 250 Canadian professors sign letter of support for Extinction Rebellion’s battle against the climate crisis
David Suzuki and almost 250 university professors across Canada have signed a letter supporting environmental activist group Extinction Rebellion and its calls for radical change to combat the climate crisis.
Featured Jobs
- Psychology - Assistant Professor (Social)Mount Saint Vincent University
- Accounting - Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty PositionUniversity of Alberta
- Electrical Engineering - Assistant Professor (Electromagnetic/Photonic Devices and Systems)Toronto Metropolitan University
- Critical Studies of Technology, Sustainability, and Development - Postdoctoral Researcher Ontario Tech University
- Electrical and Computer Engineering - Assistant/Associate ProfessorWestern University
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