Headlines for Dec. 2, 2019
The Hill Times
New cabinet, old fears, what does it mean for Canadian research and science?
On Nov. 20, the Trudeau government announced its new cabinet and House leadership appointees. Surprising many in the research community, the minister of science was eliminated, with the science portfolio being absorbed by the renamed ministry of Innovation, Science and Industry.
30 years since the Montreal massacre, we still see a deadly hatred of women
For those of us who remember the Montreal Massacre, there will always be a ‘before’ and an ‘after.’ It was a fall from grace, a loss of innocence, a defining moment in Canada’s history and in our lives.
CTV News
Polytechnique survivor wants Liberals to move on gun control promise
The evening of Dec. 6, 1989 is a night few in Quebec will ever forget especially those who were at the Ecole Polytechnique when gunshots rang out leaving 14 female students dead and 13 injured.
The National Post
Arctic U: Yukon passes bill to create first university in Canada’s North
Canada will finally have its first Arctic university.
The Tyee
UNBC Profs Return to Classroom, File Labour Board Complaint
More than three weeks into a strike that shut down classes at the University of Northern British Columbia, faculty are returning to classrooms and taking their grievances to the Labour Relations Board.
Some Canadian schools see China’s Confucius Institute as a handy teaching tool. Others reject it as propaganda
The Institute is partly funded by China’s Ministry of Education and offers programming at elementary and high schools, as well as colleges and universities across Canada.
Global News
Academics sign letter condemning Premier Kenney’s comments about University of Calgary professor
Over 600 academics from across Canada have signed a letter to Alberta’s premier, criticizing his comments about a University of Calgary professor.
Windsor Star
U of Windsor first to offer campus-wide 24/7 counselling services
The University of Windsor is the first post-secondary institution in Ontario to offer 24/7 counselling services to the entire student population.
Ottawa Citizen
About to graduate, education students question fairness of new mandatory math test
Bella Lewkowicz estimates she has spent more than 600 hours over the last two years studying and practise teaching through the University of Ottawa to prepare for a new career as a high school French teacher.
Featured Jobs
- Accounting - Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty PositionUniversity of Alberta
- Indigenous Studies - Faculty PositionUniversité Laval
- Electrical and Computer Engineering - Assistant/Associate ProfessorWestern University
- Electrical Engineering - Assistant Professor (Electromagnetic/Photonic Devices and Systems)Toronto Metropolitan University
- Psychology - Assistant Professor (Social)Mount Saint Vincent University
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